Opinions story
In the society that we live in today, there is all sorts of judgement. Most people would like to say that they are not judge mental and allow people to do what they please without having an opinion, however, this isn't realistic.
I too, sometimes find myself judging people before i really get to know them, based on appearances and rumors. I try my hardest not to because I wouldn't want someone doing the same to me. I have also heard people talking about others negatively for reasons they can't control like appearance and something as pointless as how they speak. Judgement can be vocalized, or simply be a mere thought in one's mind. Either way it's still there, and occurs all the time. What's even worse is this criticism happens so naturally, that we don't even realize that we're doing it. Why does any of it matter? What other people appear to be, or decide to do, doesn't effect our personal lives. Judgement is natural and no matter how much we try to completely rid ourselves of it, it's very difficult to live without. Personally, when I encounter a situation that has me a victim of judgement, I try my best not to express concern.Words can hurt, and they definitely have hurt the people living in our society today. I don't think that we fully understand the power behind the words that we say. And maybe the judgement isn't directly expressed to the person, but that doesn't make it any less hurtful. Judgement when its expressed vocally can turn into un-necessary conflict that could easily be avoided if society would learn to better contain their judgment and opinions. Judgement is an un-avoidable concept, but learning to control it, is an honorable quality. One many should practice more. The society we live in today is not completely and whole-heartedly accepting so people who are willing to take a moment to better themselves, specifically in the art of avoiding judgement, are greatly appreciated. People are capable of change and maybe one day in the future people won't judge completely based on looks or what we personally don't think is normal, because it doesn't match the pre-set image we have in our minds for "socially acceptable behavior". The first step is for us to learn to love the diversity that surrounds us is to embrace the differences people have in personalities, styles, race, speech, etc. and accept people the way they are.
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